Lynnda Pollio
Consciousness Doula
Founder, WisdomKeeping

As a Consciousness Doula, I am fully committed to humanity and helping people birth more expanded levels of consciousness so that they can create the beautiful life and world they deserve to inhabit.
My passion is helping others explore their inner universe, to travel into the unknown spaces within the soul that our chaotic external world hides from us. I am here for those rare sensitive beings who are in their hearts and doing their best to navigate life in a world that isn't. If you are a creative, curious, wonderer, waking up to new truths, you are in the right place. I'd love to hear from you.
I am also the author of Trusting the Currents, winner of 13 literary awards and a #1 Bestseller in Inspirational Fiction on Amazon. It is a powerful book for anyone undergoing change
or struggle in their lives. As a compulsive creative, I am always creating something that I believe benefits others. Two years ago I created The Wishing Bowl, a beautiful highly-customized frequency based gift to be given to someone to help support and realize their wishes. I also create Frequency Art, channeled works of art that enhance meditation and bring in specific energetic transmissions for transformation, healing and joy.
As Founder of WisdomKeeping, I am creating a portal of wisdom, high knowledge, community, and guidance for everyone embarked on the journey of awakening into expanded consciousness, spiritual growth and self-discovery. This is a safe place for becoming something new and more aligned with your heart and soul.
Welcome to WisdomKeeping!

My Story
A long and winding road to wisdom
I’ve been on a fairly unusual life journey, always curious about understanding and elevating human consciousness.
Since childhood, I’ve possessed an innate gift to see, feel and connect to energetic frequencies. As everything is energy, this gave me heightened abilities within intuition, future vision, empathy, communications, creativity, strategy and communion with all other beings.
Before I fully understood these meaningful gifts, I applied them to the corporate world as a successful New York advertising executive, leading advertising agency New Business departments, and as a consultant building prosperous business development initiatives. My professional career was forged on my relationship and communications talents. I sensed the energetic imprint of everyone I met and could resonate and act in tune with their motivation, concerns and desires.
When I fully realized the truth of the abilities I was born into, I began to cultivate them, immersing myself in the study of various spiritual disciplines, shamanism, consciousness training, and wellness modalities from Herbalism to crystals to Reiki. It was during these years I worked extensively within conscious business practices, supporting visionary companies from small start-ups to Fortune 100 companies, eventually becoming the world’s first Chief Consciousness Officer at a global, futurist marketing consultancy. While there, I helped businesses understand and engage with the human technologies of wisdom, intuition, compassion, empathy, forgiveness and gratitude.
As I evolved, I moved deeper into engaging wisdom protocols, understanding the power of heart-centered living and emotional neutrality. Just as I felt I was ready to live a mission I felt destined for, I began navigating a long and challenging dark night of the soul as caregiver for my mother for almost a decade. This disruption forced me deeper into my inner universe to explore faith, trust, surrender, and the hidden knowledge within the mystical, subtle realms.
It is through this deep wisdom work that I emerged as a Consciousness Doula, committed to guiding others through our messy global transformation. I am highly frequency adept and able to feel and navigate the energetic frequencies of everything. As a Consciousness Doula, I am here to help you birth expanded states of consciousness so that both individually and collectively we create a more meaningful, happier and sustainable future on this beautiful planet.

Say hello...
Questions? Curiosity? Please contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions. I am grateful for your presence!